KEGUNAAN(USES) : Membantu meringankan gejala wasir. Help to relief the symptoms of hemorrhoids. KOMPOSISI (INGREDIENTS): Daun Wungu ( Graptophylli folium ), Temulawak ( Curcumae rhizome ), Pegagan ( Centela herba ekstrak ), Sambiloto ( Andrographidis herba ) ANJURAN (SUGGESTION) : Jika tidak memiliki masalah lambung, diminun 1 jam sebelum makan. For those without gastric probelms, drink it 1 hour before eating. Rp 90.000
Kegunaan (Uses): Secara Tradisional digunakan untuk melindungi hati, meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, menurunkan panas, menghilangkan rasa nyeri dan antibiotik alami. Tradisionally used to protect the liver, boost the immune system, relief fever, reduce pain and as a natural antibiotic. Komposisi (Ingredients): Sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata) Alang-alang (Imperata Cylindrcia) Pegagan (Centella Asiatic) Rp 70.000